Presenting GOL Droid 2.0

Contronics presents GOL Droid 2.0, a complete Android based solution to control activities of mobile workers like patrol officers, security personnel, maintenance staff and others. GOL Droid 2.0 works online with Contronics GOL, a cloud service to manage tour and visit schedules and control remote work, to provide an unique solution with deep focus on security activities.


And because supervisor needs are very different than patrol officer’s obligations, Contronics split GOL Droid in two distinct apps: GOL Mobile and GOL Super Visor.


GOL Mobile

Designed to replace a conventional guard tour reader, like Guardus handhelds. GOL Mobile app for Android can read NFC tags, QR Codes, GPS coordinates and Bluetooth 4 Beacons as tour checkpoints. This converts a Android smartphone or tablet in the most powerful tour reader in the world.


Using celular communication, GOL Mobile sends checkpoints readings to GOL in real time. The information about the tour is available immediately for reports, processing and notification in case of fault. GOL Mobile also can attach photos to tour monitoring using the Andorid device camera and offers a free electronic Event Wallet for the patrol officer to report important facts taking place during the tour.


GOL Super Visor

Works like a private WhatsApp for your staff, bringing to the supervisor’s hand notifications for failures or missed checkpoints in real time. It’s possible to configure the sort of notifications that will be presented and to select alerts on a tour by tour basis, so no supervisor will receive alerts from tour or officers he/she is not responsible for. The supervisor has complete access to GOL monitoring screens, meaning there’s no need to have a PC to have every useful information regarding the patrol officers work.


GOL Super Visor is also a GPRS interface to download Guardus Devices, when used with the Contronics USB OTG Cable. You can download Guardus data and, while the app send it to the GOL server immediately, you can review it’s contents onscreen. This enables the supervisor to take corrective measures even before any report is generated and sent to clients. Those features transform the Android device in a mobile GOL station better and cheaper than a notebook.


How o test GOL Droid at your company

GOL Mobile and GOL Super Visor can be downloaded to your Android device for free on Google Play Store. To work, both need an GOL subscription available from Contronics.


As an special offer, celebrating this release, you can get a free of charge 30 day trial of GOL and GOL Droid 2.0. To begin your free trial download one of the apps from Google Play and call us: +1 (786) 206-5360.


For more information please read the GOL Droid 2.0 technical release.


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